Monday, February 17, 2014

                    ONE YEAR AND A BIG GOAL!!

This year proves to be a very busy and intense year for us.  We had plans in the making that would have extended our stay here in the states until 2016, but God closed those plans down and it looks like we will be leaving early next year! We are feeling overwhelmed with all the details that need to come together prior to departure.  Matt will be taking a lot of flying positions which will take him away from home for a few months out of this year (mostly around thanksgiving) in order to obtain the last 180 hours of flight time that he needs.  We will be going through all of our stuff to see what we need to ship, store or sell!  There are thousands of little "loose ends" that need to be figured out so we can be pretty much ready to go by Thanksgiving.  Please pray for us to stay focused, and have everything come together in a timely method!  Also, pray for our emotions as this is a very exciting time, but also it is a very hard time of saying goodbye to friends and family!  Change is hard even good change!

                              THE BIG GOAL

We need to be supported by you!  We are beginning our drive to become fully funded by Thanksgiving.  We need to have people like you that want to partner with us financially to be faithful and regular givers.  We need to raise $4000 a month!  This is a big number, but if we get just 400 people pledging $10 a month we will be fully supported financially to serve the kingdom of God in Papua Indonesia!  If this is something God puts on your hearts to serve his kingdom please click on the "financial support" tab for details on how to give!  It is important to email us your pledge so we can track how close we are to being funded!  Thank-you for your support
                                     The Meeuwse Family

1 comment:

  1. We love y'all and cannot wait to see what Jesus has in store!!!


Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...