Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thank-you Supporters

Hello Friends and Family,

We have just received from Helimission our monthly financial update!  Amanda and I are blown away by all those who are partnering with us sacrificially and want to express our thanks!  It is such an encouragement to us to see the people God is raising up to help send us on mission in Indonesia!  We are truly blessed, encouraged and thankful for God's provision!  So far you all have given the $5000 dollars we needed for Bible college and living expenses in New York!!  What a blessing!  Currently we are being supported at 16% of the monthly goal which is a great encouragement to us!  We still need many others to partner with us but we are encouraged by God's work through you all!  Amanda and I are very thankful for every one of you and hope you get to share in the joy of being faithful!  If you are reading this and feel God is leading you to partner with us, follow the link on our blog to see how you can join!

We also want to say thank you to all you who have been praying for us!  It is so encouraging when we get a phone call from you saying, "God put you on our hearts today"!  God is faithful and takes care of His kids and to be encouraged by you strengthens us!  Satan does try to stop those who are working for God's kingdom, and he is crafty.  Please continue to pray for us as we continue down this road!  Pray for peace, safety and that God continues to work through us even when we feel overwhelmed!

Thank you all for your encouragement, support and love!  We could not do this without the family of God behind us!  

Much love,
The Meeuwse's

1 comment:

Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...