Some back story to help you understand how awesome this God story is: =)
As you probably know, I am in Montana. My best friend of 25+ years got married and I was in the wedding! This is what brought me to Montana. I decided to stay a few days after the wedding to visit with my mom and a few others. My plans were to leave via train friday night. But I decided to stay a few extra days. (I thought it was me, but really it was the Holy Spirit prompting me to stay...He had some cool things He didn't want me to miss)
Fast forward to Sunday morning... Gracie is a crying, screeching mess. After failed attempts to get her to take a morning nap, and mommy about to pull her hair out I was about to throw the towel in and just watch a sermon online in the comfort of a home and where Gracie's pack n play was nearby. But while I was trying to tame a frizzy curl..a thought hit me. I marched my grumpy self out to the living room to ask my mom if she would be willing to stay home from church and watch Grace so I could go to church by myself. She was more than happy to do so.
I really wanted to visit Canvas Church in Kalispell. I had grown up in this church as a little girl. Until recently it had been called Christian Center, but a new lead pastor named Kevin Geer changed things up, renamed it, remodeled it, rebranded it. The funny thing about this is....Kevin Geer was a guest speaker at the church I went to with my parents after we had moved to Washington. So I remember him from way back he is the pastor of the church I went to as a little girl in Monana..... small world huh?... =)
When I got to Canvas church I ended up sitting in the front row....I never sit in the front row. But today I did. I had no idea what the sermon was going to be on, or the sermon series....I was there to visit and check out the recent changes to the church.....or so I thought. Jesus had other plans.
The video intro to the sermon started. The sermon series was called "Project 24 Seven" The video stated; "As you sleep tonight, someone on the other side of the world is sharing Jesus. As they sleep are you going to share Jesus with someone?" And then showed the great commission.
....if you haven't figured it out yet IT WAS A SERMON SERIES ALL ON MISSIONS!
it gets better
So, Pastor Kevin had some missionaries from Madagascar come on stage (Nate and Tammy Lashway), and the whole service was hearing their story, hearing what God is doing on the other side of the world. Pastor Kevin emphasized the importance of mission work and spreading the good news of Jesus to people all over the world.
Nate and Tammy went on explaining how Madagascar was colonized by Indonesians, and has difficult terrain and remote villages who need Jesus and have never heard of Him. Goosebumps. I was literally saying "thank you Jesus, this is for me!"
Nate then told a story about how He went to a village way out in the bush and told the people how they would come back and how his heart was moved for that tribe....and he then attention people......
................. tears. I was literally about to jump out of my seat and grab the microphone and tell people what was going on here! I felt the Holy Spirit all over, and my heart was racing.
As soon as the sermon came to a close, Kevin, Nate and Tammy left the stage and I jumped up to find them. I found a "I can help" person and asked them where I could find pastor Kevin. One person went to find him and while they were gone I completely blabbed this woman's ear off about what had just happened. HA! I am not sure I even took a breath! Poor lady. haha!
Pastor Kevin came to greet me and took me to where Nate and Tammy were. I got to talk to them and tell them my story. They were encouraging and excited by my story. Service got out just then and people started flooding out. I left them and was still trembling and in awe. I went to my car and sat there taking it in. I could not get ahold of Matt, so I called my mom and shared with her. I was busting at the seams to tell someone...anyone really. =)
I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to go back in. Most people had cleared out by now. I asked them if I could take a picture with them. I explained that they may not know it, but I believe they will be a huge part of my story of God's faithfulness and goodness in our move to Indonesia.
They told me that this is worth it. They told me that it is going to be okay. That God will be with us and Indonesia will feel like home eventually. Not to be afraid, and that everything we are sacrificing today will be worth it....that what we are sacrificing to leave here will change lives in Indonesia.
They said they totally understand what it is like to not have all your support raised and be pushing forward.
Nate told me that without Helimission many people would not know about Jesus. That much of his own work would not be possible. That it is an invaluable tool. He laughed and said that the Helimission story was not even going to be in his talk initially....again, Jesus had other plans.
I hugged them and left. I can't really put in words what this meant to me. I felt so LOVED. All I can say is THANK YOU JESUS.
Some might think this is a neat coincidence. But for me, this changed my heart, my life. Jesus set this up to show me how BIG He is, and how much He CARES. And how He is WITH US in this!
What are the chances!?
I was already suppose to be home in Washington. I almost didn't go due to Gracie being grumpy.
They just happened to be starting a MISSIONARY sermon series. They happened to have missionaries there to speak to everyone. These missionaries just happen to work with HELIMISSION.
This was not something that just happened. This was God...again...speaking to my heart. Encouraging me.
And came at just the right time. Right before I head home to an empty house to pack it all up. I have to finish it while Matt is away flying and gaining much needed flight hours. Right before Matt's job ends and we are taking a leap of faith because we are not fully funded yet. Right before life gets crazy. He know! Jesus knows, and He arranged all of that to let me know a few things.
He is with us.
He knows.
He cares.
We are right where He wants us.
We are not alone.
I have never felt the Holy Spirit so much, I have never felt so loved.
And Jesus doesn't just love me like this...He loves you like this too. Wherever you are in life. Whatever trial you are going through,...cry out to Jesus. It's never too big for Him, you have never gone too far for His mercy and grace. He loves you, He knows you, He is with you too. We are not alone.
Thank you Jesus.
Hey Matt and Amanda!
ReplyDeleteThis is your cousin Grace:D (My pen name is Clara for my blog:) My mom just showed me your guys blog! I love it, and your latest post was so encouraging! I look forward to reading more! Praying for you guys!
Grace a.k.a Clara:D
Amanda, this is so, so good. You brought me to tears. Please know you have friends in North Idaho praying for you. Keep writing--you're doing great!