On Tuesday we noticed that Grace was running a fever. We tried to control it with baby Motrin and it seemed to help a bit. The next morning we could tell our little girl was not feeling very good. We pushed a lot of liquids and rest, but after her second nap we knew it was getting worse. We checked her temp and it was 103.5! We made a few calls. I started the truck, we packed our bags and then it was off to the Emergency Room. Gracie's very first time in the ER! Well, we get there and the nurse wants to get her vitals. Gracie was pretty scared and was not happy with the nurse! We were showed to her room and got her comfy on the bed reading books! She is such a trooper. We waited there quite a while and finally the doctor came in to check her out. He listened to her lungs and decided that he needed an x-ray to be sure of his diagnosis! So, we waited some more for the x-ray tech to be ready. Finally it was our turn to be checked. We had to put grace in a special tool that kept her from
squirming too much so that the tech could get a good photo of her lungs. This little "tool" looked more like a torture chamber and Grace was not excited about it one bit. I, (Matt) had to put her in this contraption with the help of the nurse. Grace was screaming and crying, and saying, up, up, up in between sobs. I got to stay with Grace, but the tech and mom had to leave the room to reduce radiation. While it was just Grace and I, she looked in my eyes and I just saw huge crocodile tears and she said, "daddy, up, plsh"! And that broke my heart. I just had to encourage her and tell her to trust me. I did a lot of talking, but I'm sure she didn't understand :( We were finally done and I was able to "save" my little girl from the machine. After about an hour of waiting we found out that Grace has Bronchitis! It was a good thing we went in and got it checked out. We got home kind of late that night. Grace was tired but worked up. It was a long night of rocking grace to sleep and tossing and turning in our beds. Amanda and I both woke up the next morning feeling pretty crummy ourselves. I was still able to get out and do some work, but my girls were not feeling very good at all. While I was out, a couple that we met through Helimission dropped off a very sweet surprise! It was all kinds of things that are
After that exciting trip to the ER, Amanda got sick and then I got sick. All three of us were out for the count. We watched Little House on the Prairie and read a lot of books. Grace started to feel better but Amanda and I were not. I found it's really hard to pull grace down the hall in the laundry basket time after time when you can't breathe out your nose. I got winded pretty quick, so had to improvise on how to entertain our busy little bee! It is Sunday now and Grace is doing much better. She still has cough attacks at night but we see a huge improvement in her. Amanda is still pretty tired and has a sore throat! I woke up with a burst of energy and a clear nose, so I went to church, but after the walk through the snow, my congestion showed up quickly. I'm not better yet, even though I wish I was! The Weber's stopped by last night and dropped off a meal for us, and Ben stopped by also to drop off ice cream! We are very loved by the people of Helimission and we are on the mend! We might even get out of the house today!
Here are some photos of our little girl's first ER trip:
Getting Grace in the machine!
The first x-ray
The second x-ray. I tried to hold her hands.
Waiting for the x-ray results
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