We live in a village! =) |
WE ARE HERE! And settled! We unpacked our last bag. It was a bit of a go getting here. We slept in the airport after a cancelled flight. But it was a little bit exciting. =)
Mom and Grace trying to catch some zzz's in the airport
Lunch after the airport with Helimission folks. |
WE MADE IT! But guess what?.....they lost our bags!...HA! But we got them at 10 o'clock that night. Right from the airport we went to lunch with a bunch of folks from Helimission. We said goodbye (for now) to our friends Fawn and Michael Stevens, but we said hello to Matt and Vee Weber. We will go through all of our training from here on out with the Weber family. Our families will be stationed at the same base in Indonesia. They are great, and we are looking forward to spending lots of time with them. They have three kids who are great with Grace, she loves them. God provided friends. =)
Our apartment is cozy and really homey. We are living in the downstairs apartment of the Helimission USA headquarters. It is a quick trip to go upstairs for meetings. =)
Getting set up! |
Grace exploring the new place. |
The last helimission family decorated for Grace. It touched our hearts! |
We are excited to be here. Matt and I feel like this time is going to be awesome. Matt will take full load with 4 classes. I will audit 2 classes and take 1 class as a normal student. We had orientation for college today! Haha! Blast to the past.
Here are pictures of some of the fun things we have done since we got to New York!
Check out our awesome ride for the next four months. |
Helimission cutie. |
We have a quad parked in our garage that we can use to have some fun in these long winter months. This is our kind of fun!
Here are some pictures of our college. For those of you who are confused as to what we are doing in New York going to college.
Helimission requires all candidates to attend one semester (four months) at Elim Bible Institute in Lima New York prior to language school. Once we are done with Elim (in May) we will spend a few months wrapping things up in the states, saying goodbye to friends and family, and then moving to Sentani Indonesia for 6-9 months of language school. After that we will be at our final destination. Wamena Indonesia.
Okay, so for those pictures of Elim....some are taken in summertime....don't be fooled it is a frozen tundra right now. =)
Classes officially start tomorrow, however we don't have class until Tuesday.
Thanks for being on this adventure with us friend. We love you! Will keep you posted! Our e-mail (we check everyday) for both Matt and I is: helibladesoflove@gmail.com E-mail us for anything. Questions, just to chat. We love hearing from you!
Love, Amanda, Matt and Gracie.
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