Saturday, September 5, 2015


Right before we left the USA, finishing touches. 
We made it to Switzerland!   We are here in this picturesque country and enjoying our time at Helimission headquarters before we launch off to Indonesia on September 9th.  

Helimission headquarters is located in Trogan Switzerland.

We are doing well, and recovering from jet lag.   Jet lag mixed with strong emotions of goodbyes can sure wipe one out!   Grace is doing well.  A bit more fussy, but that is to be expected.  The first night she woke at 3:40am and was ready to party and have breakfast!  Every morning since she has woken 20 min later.  This morning we almost made it to 4:30!!!  =)  It has been good though, we have been able to get many things done in the morning.  

Helimission this way! =)
Each morning we have devotions with the Helimission staff at 7:30.  What a wonderful time.  God has shown up each morning!  It is so good to spend some time with the heart of Helimission and be prayed for and loved on right before we take off.  Helimission is a team of people on fire for Jesus.  They take time out each morning to pray for the people out on the field in Indonesia, Madagascar and Africa.  It is an honor to work with such a mission and with people who have such a genuine love for Jesus.

Grace has taken to the cats that they have here.....I am not sure that the cats share the same love for Grace as she has for them =)  But nonetheless they keep Grace entertained and happy looking for them!  There is a pond of fish here that keep her happy as well!  Although Grace always asks to hold them in her hand....=)  Grace loves the Swiss cows, rightfully so.  They are adorable.  And they all have bells on their neck, so it makes a lovely and quaint sound across the countryside.
Headed to devotions in the morning! 

We have had the privilege of meeting a couple that we will be with in Wamena Indonesia.  They are on "home assignment" right now and are from Germany, so they have been here at Helimission headquarters the past two nights.  We have gotten to spend some time with them and we love them already!  What a neat couple.  Just another way God encourages us and loves on us.

We are so thankful for your prayers and we miss you already!

Let us remind you, the work to do in the USA is just as much as here.  As you read our updates let it excite you to be a missionary in the United States.  What a need there is!

We love you!  Much love,
the Meeuwse's
Gunter and Birgit are part of the Helimission team in Wamena Papua. Same town as we will be in.  It was so nice to meet them! We love them already.

Our apartment for the week, and Gracie's buddy that she chases around.  Zina the cat. =) 
Helimission Headquarters, Trogan Switzerland.  Beautiful
Helimission Headquarters from the back. 
The friendly fish that keep Grace entertained. 

Grace's BFF  Brikena Tanner.  Grace LOVES her. Instant friends. 

Thumbs up for Switzerland!

Swiss Cows checking us out. They are so cute! 
As Grace says "HI COW!!"
Four Wheel Drive cows
Grace having fun. 

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Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...