Saturday, May 27, 2017

3 months 13 airplanes!

That is right, 3 months and I rode on 13 airplanes!  It has been a busy three months! Let me tell you about it!

 But FIRST, how are you friend?  I hope this blog finds you happy and healthy.  =)

Okay, for starters.  Three months ago we took off to the USA! Our whole family!  It started off that Matt had to go to Texas for one month of helicopter school.  Grace and I were planning on staying in Wamena while he was gone.  BUT some angels bought tickets for Grace and I as a gift!  Grace and I were able to go back to America and spend one month in Washington, and one month in Montana.  It was unexpected and so nice!  We loved our time!  We got to reconnect with family, and meet some sweet, babies that had been born while we were away, which was super special.
Matt joined up with Grace and I when he completed his school. (Which he passed with flying colours)  ;)   Since this was such a short, and condensed visit we were not able to see everyone that we would have liked to, or as much of them as we would have liked to, but next time!
Let me tell you,  western food has never tasted so good.
But the funny thing is, I could not decide what to eat when I got to America.  HA!  Food I have dreamt of for over a year and a half, and I just couldn't decide......maybe because I wanted to shove it all in my face at the same time.  =)
When it came time to go, we were so thankful that we had that time!

And to make even more excitement, my mom, Stephani, traveled back to Wamena with us and stayed for a month!   It was so great to have her come and see where we live and what we do in person.
She got to stay long enough to let the jet lag and some culture shock wear off, and really get to know some people!  Before she left she could say several phrases and words in the Indonesian language!   Way to go mom!   I asked her what her favourite thing was that she did while she was here, and she just couldn't quite decide.....I love that.  =)

While mom was here we had more friends come and visit from the states!  Our friends and Matt's long time buddy, Matt and Amanda.  You heard me right.  They have the same names as us..... it must be fate that Matt's and Amanda's are destined to be together.  Matt and Amanda came to stay with us for 5 days.  It was so fun to show them our life.  We say it often, but it is so true.  We feel SO loved when someone comes aaaaall the way to our tiny little mountain town.

So now we are at the end of those three months.  We have been back in Wamena just over one month, and mom left not too long ago.   :(  Goodbyes are hard.

My Matt has been a part of several medical evacuations lately with the helicopter, I will post a blog about those in the next few days.

So, to leave you with a funny cultural story at my expense.  Obviously I ate lots of food in the states.  I wasn't too worried about an extra pound or two, assuming I would get to indonesia again and it would come off fast!   So I arrive back to Indonesia, thinking I didn't gain that much weight, and I start back to my normal routines here.  One of these being a pre-school club that Grace goes to each Wednesday morning.  I arrived and my friends were glad to see me, which made me happy.  Then my local friend says to me "welcome back! Wow, you look so healthy and your body is so big!"   In my head I was like....."WHAT did she just say? I could NOT have heard that right...."  but she continued, and explained again how my body was bigger now.........  I choked down my mortified face I was trying not to sport, I smiled and said sweetly "oh thank you"  Well, THAT was fun.  I mean, I didn't gain THAT much weight, I know I didn't really do my hair or make-up today, but come on!!!! Now i'm frazzled.  Then (not 3 minutes later) I went and said hello to another local friend of mine,  and the very first thing she said to me,  no joke. "Welcome back! You are fat now!"  And to add insult to my very big injury, she used her hands to gesture fat, and filled her cheeks with air to show me how my face is now so very....fat!!!!!.................................. I (again) smiled and said thank you, but this time it wasn't mortified that washed over me, it was a feeling of defeat and grumpiness!!!  I wanted to hide in a hole, I didn't want anyone else to see me!  Needless to say I was grumpy the rest of the time in kids club that day, eating two helpings of humble pie.  I was trying not to be offended at those women who were just TRYING to compliment me in their culture.  Because believe it or not, that is culturally appropriate, and a compliment in this culture.  But NOT IN MINE!  Holy smokes!  Caught me off guard!  HAHA!  And trust me friend.  I wasn't even going to write you about this, because my sensitive little nerves were all frayed and irritated over this.....but then I's actually kinda funny.   How different that cultures can be.  And it made me wonder if I have ever done that to someone here....try to be kind to them in my culture's way, and totally offend and shock them without even knowing.  haha!    Anyway, there you go....told you it was a story at my expense......real life in a different culture. Real life friend.  You're welcome.  =)

Love you!
Kruz and Kaylea getting a dose of Papuan culture!
I was there for my grandma Jo's 80th surprise party!
Grace playing in the snow in America!
Grace loved taking care of her baby cousins! <3 td="">
Spending time with my best friends!
I was in America for my birthday, and spent the evening with family.
Love these girls.  It was so nice to connect with family again
Time with mom in Glacier National Park
It is tradition EVERY time I go to Flathead Lake, I MUST get in! There was still ice on the lake! Brr. Tradition holds
Grace meets a buffalo. =)

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Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...