Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Want to hear something AMAZING, AWESOME, and CRAZY?!...

Hi friends.  Want to hear something completely awesome?!  Something so thoroughly encouraging and life-giving?...

I thought so.

So maybe you remember about a week and a half ago when I re-posted a picture on Facebook of two children walking from their remote village to our town of Wamena to sell their vegetables for school supply money?  Remember that?   Well if you don't remember, here is a reminder.  I posted this picture with this caption:

(My friend Lemeus posted this. So sweet. Pray for these little kids and others like them as they seek to get school supplies and as they study. ❤️
"Two students are gong to Wamena from the Village of Mayunggulik for selling the fruits to buy their books n pens.")

This is the picture posted by my friend Lemeus, and re-posted by myself, that inspired all of this. 

A couple of my Facebook friends contacted me on Facebook that they wanted to help kids like this in some way.  They wanted to donate some money to help these these children.  I talked to Lemeus, and got back to them asap.  These friends donated their money, and I got to work....(this all started August 24th...FAST!)  Lemeus helped to know what school supplies the children needed, and got to work the same day I handed the money over.  The very next day he took off on a long journey to the village.  
He had to take a 3.5 hour taxi ride on rough roads, (and taxis here are.....NOT luxurious)  Then when the taxi could take him no further he took off to hike up the mountain 3-4 hours to this mountain village.  He went alone, and he carried the box of school supplies on his own strength.  Strong. 

Lemeus hiking with the supplies.
Before he set off on this journey, I told him he didn't have to make a special trip into the village for this, that he could take it the next time he went.  But he wouldn't hear of it.   He was so touched that people in America would see this picture and God would put it on their heart to give to the kids, that he wanted to do it RIGHT AWAY.  He said "God put it on their heart to give, and God gave me the mission to get it to them, I have do this"  I was so impressed.  A little back information on Lemeus.  He is an amazing man of God. He loves Jesus with his whole heart.  He is a local from the island of Papua, and he is a firecracker for Jesus.  He has such a passion and heart for his fellow Papuans to fall in love with Jesus, not just religion, but really know and love Jesus.
Lemeus came to my house today with pictures and a report from the village and the children.  Each child in the pictures was given a ruler, a sharpener, pens, pencils, writing paper, a colorbook, math book, a candle to study by light in the night when they don't have electricity, and more! 
Plus the pastor of the local church was given the extra supplies to hand out to the children who could not come at the time Lemeus was there.  
Lemeus and the pastor of the church explained the story that God put it on the hearts of people to give these supplies to show them His love for them.  That He can move hearts across the world to remind the kids and parents in the village that God sees them and loves them.  They prayed over the students and children in their tribal tongue.  It was truly a blessing to be a part of this....even if I was just the middle man moving the money from one hand to another.  

I was speaking with one of my friends that donated some money.  I was giving her an update, and thanked her for giving, she told me "oh it wasn't very much money"  But you know what.....God doesn't care about that.  He asks us to be FAITHFUL with the small things, the small amount of money, the small act of kindness, listening to that small voice....and HE turns it into something more. Just like He did with this.... who would have known that posting a picture or donating a small amount of money would lead to all those kids hearing about Jesus' love for them, and blessing them in their school.  Literally the hands and feet of Jesus.  And it took many people....not just one.  It took Lemeus posting the picture, me re-posting it, my friends hearts to be moved enough to seek out donating, Lemeus to climb a mountain with a heavy box to deliver the supplies..... It took a team of people.  I love that.  
And get this.....those two boys in the original picture........ those same boys received supplies!  Isn't that cool!?  The whole thing was all God.  Nobody involved knew that this would happen.  But God did.  He planned it....because He loves those kids, He loves their parents, He loves that village, He loves all of us who helped with it.  It had an impact on all of us.  And hopefully it has an impact on you too.  I hope it makes you think about this God I serve.  He is BIG, powerful, and real! And He also cares about small things, like reminding all these sweet kids that He loves them.  If you already love Jesus, I hope it renews your faith like it did mine.  This isn't about me, it's not about the donors, it's not about the money.  All of those things were tools in God's big plan. He loves you just like this too.  It's all about making Jesus' name famous! <3 about="" all="" famous="" it="" jesus="" making="" name="" nbsp="" p="" s="">

Here are lots of pictures! Enjoy! 
Pastor praying over the students and school supplies before the kids get them
Kids receiving school supplies
Sweet smile!
So sweet.

Lemeus asked them to make a picture. =) 
Showing his Honai (grass hut house) drawing 
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These are the two kids from the picture that inspired it all.  Jesus is so cool.<3 cool.="" esus="" is="" nbsp="" so="" td="">


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