Sunday, December 31, 2017

Audrey Paperwork Process

Happy New Year to All of You

As we finish this year and look forward to the New Year and all it's possibilities, we thought we would give you an update on how we ended and will begin this new year.

After Audrey was born on November 24, we praised God for such a healthy and easy baby.  We had told the hospital we need her paperwork to be expedited as fast as possible as we are trying to get all our paperwork underway to be back in Indonesia by the end of January.  Well, two weeks later I got a call from the county saying they see no record of Audrey's birth and would not be able to issue her birth certificate.  That same day her Social Security Number arrived with the incorrect name.  We have been frantically going through the process of getting her name corrected which has been a challenge with the holiday season and everything shutting down.  We have gotten her name corrected, and have applied for a passport.  We are now waiting for the passport before we can pursue an Indonesian visa for Audrey.  This has delayed our wanted progress by about 3 weeks and we are praying that our passport will come faster then hoped.  We also pray  that we can have good favor with the Indonesian government and a speedy process of the visa.  Please pray with us that all this paperwork will go miraculously fast and that we can get back to the field as expected!

We are bringing in this new year here in Montana where we are enjoying lots of snow, family and friends.  We will head back to the Seattle area around the 8th and hope our passport will be waiting for us when we return.  Matt will continue his studies to become a Certified Flight Instructor and we hope he will have it all completed before we leave.  We will keep you all posted on the progress of paperwork and studies.

Thanks for joining us on our adventure this year!  We are looking forward to getting back to Papua and joining our team there.  This year is shaping up to be a big year and we hope to have 2 more helicopters operational in Papua.  Matt will finally get checked out as a pilot and will be able to serve in that capacity by the end of the year.  We will begin the process of training locals to fly, and continue to train locals to be mechanics.  We hope to see a growth in Kopi Gunung, the coffee business we started for our local friends.  We hope to see growth in the company, in the guys, and in relationships.  We are excited to be reunited with our local church and to continue investing there, and to see our relationships grow with that tribe.  Matt hopes to get more into making videos so you all can see what we are doing a bit better here in Papua!  Amanda will continue taking amazing photos for you all to enjoy and get a glimpse of what is happening in Papua!

If you have been a part of our support team in the past, we want to thank you so much for making all of this possible.  For those of you who are faithfully giving to keep us serving on the field, again we want to thank you for your faithful and consistent giving.  It is a pleasure to serve in Papua and this would not be possible without you.  If you are excited about what God is doing through us and would like to be a part of it, please join our support team.  We are still about $600 a month under budget and could really use your help.  If this is how you feel God is asking you to invest monthly, just click our support tab and follow the instructions there.  Thank you all for investing in us and letting us further God's kingdom in Papua!

From our family to yours,

We sincerely want to wish you a Happy New Year!  We hope this year is filled with God's love and that you all make a ton of great memories!

Love, The Meeuwse's

1 comment:

Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...