Monday, February 5, 2018

Good News Update

The helicopter Matt is doing his test in
Wow!  It has been a very busy last couple weeks for us as Matt has been studying so hard for his helicopter flight instructor certificate, and getting all the paperwork lined up for Audrey's Indonesian Visa application.  Well, all the hard work is paying off!  On February 3 Matt had his checkride and after a 4 hour oral test, he passed with a great review from his examiner.  Thank-you all for your prayers as Matt went into this test!  Unfortunately, the weather was not good enough to complete the flight portion of the test, so he is rescheduled for Saturday to finish.  Please continue to pray for good weather and that he can pass the first time so there is no stress in trying to reschedule last minute.

Audrey's passport photo
On the same day Matt had his test, Audrey's visa arrived at our doorstep.  This means we are officially legal to go home to Papua!  We are so excited!  We really appreciate your prayers through this process and it was so amazing how fast the turn around time was.  God is so good!  We have purchased our tickets back home to Papua and we will depart on Saturday February 17!  Only 12 more sleeps in the terms of Gracie, who is very excited to go home!  Please pray for us as we prepare for the journey home and wrap up all the loose ends here.  This is always a time of such mixed emotions!  

Thank-you so much for being a part of our journey, for praying for us and for supporting us!  We are so blessed to be able to serve God's kingdom in Papua and are humbled that all of you make it possible for us to be there!  

        The Meeuwse's

1 comment:

  1. Love you all Sooooooooo much. So happy Matt passed the tests. Praying for good weather Saturday. I think of Frank, Amanda, who you lead to the LORD when I was visiting. I pray he made it home and found a good church. It's a big journey to get back to Papua and a lot of work guiding two little ones. Auntie is so happy you are following God's will even though it means you are far away. Kisses and hugs from me. You are so precious. Auntie K ������


Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...