Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bakar Batu! A true cultural experience!

A bakar batu is a lot like a luau in Hawaii.....except Papua really it is quite different. =)   Warning! The bakar batu started with the killing of the pig, so if you don't want to see photos of this....then stop now. =)

We recently went to Wamena for our second visit!  Wamena is a 40 min flight away.  =)  We went for the big Helimission Christmas party!  It was the first time the current Helimission team has been ALL together.  =)  We had a great time!   The party was for the Indonesian and Papuan workers with Helimssion.  There was balloon art, face painting, pinatas, a nativity skit, singing of Christmas carols and gift giving! It was such a special day!  

The Bakar Batu started off with a bang! The killing of the pig.  It made my stomach churn, but I had to watch.  It was a true cultural experience.  It was fun seeing all the work and all the different rolls. 

When it was time to eat, I tried everything! Go me! =)   It was actually pretty good! =)  

I will let the pictures speak for themselves.  =)  

Here is a Bakar Batu!  A true cultural experience!

burning off the first layer of skin and hair. 

heating the hot rocks to cook the pig and veggies

party girl

face painting for all the sweet kids. 

most wanted a helimission heliboo! =) 

Grace had miss Adria paint some cute pink hearts

Pig bladder makes a great balloon. =) 

Of course Matt had to get in on the fun! 

Hot rocks moved with giant homemade tweezers! 

after she realized the pig was dead and that we were going to eat it, she said she wanted the pig spicy....I'd say she's adjusting well. ;) 

Corn being added.  Everything is added layer by layer

Adults getting in on the fun! 

My friend working hard making sure the kids are well supplied with balloons

All the helimission men together for the first time! 

I love this photo! 
Made a friend in Wamena already.  Looking forward to spending some time with her.  

seasoning the meat

love this guy and his heart for people! 

finishing up.  Time to let it cook for two hours!

Everyone who helped make the bakar batu happen! =) 

blowing bubbles with his hands

waiting in line to hit the piñata!  Grace chickened out.  lol

Grace and uncle Tom

Grumpy little nativity bunny needs a nap! 

daddy is a good shepherd watching out for this little bunny! 

Oh gosh. Too much cuteness

tired bunny

Nativity skit!

and she is out!

the three kings bowing down to baby Jesus with their gifts

time to open up the pile! 
This was the ibu's (women/mommas)  job. 

Praying before our meal. 

first course.....eating the cooked greens


Medevac to Yawor

 Hi All, The other day I got a call for a guy that got cut by a boat propeller.  Dyro and I flew down to the lowlands to get him and brought...