Sunday, October 29, 2017

Blood work Results...

Hi friend!

Well, here you are, wanting the news on all that bloodwork that we had done for the high risk part of the pregnancy.

Ready for it?...........  (drumroll please)


It was all good news!  Thank you Jesus!  I was not infected with any of the viruses in question, not one.  So baby girl wasn't either!  My thyroid is normal, all the tests came back with happy news! We also learned she was a good girl and flipped head down (instead of her previous breech position)  This was happy news since she was running out of room to flip!
I think I know the night she flipped.....girl made me sweat and grimace!  But ohh good job girlie!

My heart was so happy to hear all this good news in one short doctor visit!......So, we do a happy dance, we celebrate, and most importantly we thank Jesus, because we asked, and He answered, and we are thankful.
Other good news.....Matt and I think we have (almost) nailed down a name for this sweet little thing! I'm a bit of a commit-a-phobe about it! Haha!!  It's no small task naming a human! ;)  But we are SO close!
We snuck over to Montana between doctors visits this past week!  It was so good to see my mom, grandma, and some family!  It was such a quick trip, but totally worth it.  Here are some pictures!  Enjoy!......and thanks for celebrating our exciting news with us!

We love you!
Amanda  =)
Grammy and Grace having fun bouncing! 
Grace at the pumpkin patch being "super brave"

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