Friday, December 15, 2017

Audrey Jean & Other Newsy Stuff...

Hello world!  Our little bundle of sweetness has graced us with her presence for three weeks now!  She is the sweetest little baby...(mom talking here) :)

Real labor started thanksgiving day about 2 hours after we ate our meal!  It was a fun commotion with all the people!  I had a crowd around me helping with my contractions, and then we quickly took off to the hospital!
Labor and delivery went great.  She made it all super easy on me. She was 6lbs 15oz 18.5inches.

Ladies helping me through a contraction after Thanksgiving feast!
Labor was 3.5 hours, and delivery she came out with one push.  (no, I am not joking, she really did!)  She has been such an easy baby.  She wakes up at night every 3 hours, nurses, and then goes right back to sleep.

I have to say I am really enjoying this time with her.  The newborn stage comes and goes so quickly.  And we are making the most of it.

Having a baby in flu and cold season makes you cautious.  I was stressing a few days after she was born about how to keep her healthy with all the sickness that is everywhere this time of year...  That's when it hit me, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart.  Look at all He has already protected her from while she was in my tummy....just because she is in my arms now, does not mean that His job is done, and it is now all on my shoulders. He is still her protector and maker.  Jean is her middle name, and it means "Gift from God." And it was really put on my heart in that moment that she is such a gift from God.  Her health is a gift from God. 
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Grace is adapting to being a big sister like a champ.  She was a great big sister from the time we told her there was a baby in my tummy, but she has taken to this big sister thing pretty awesome.  Daddy has taken her on some special daddy daughter dates, and I have taken her on one mommy daughter date for ice-cream!

A prayer request.  The hospital made a mistake on Audrey's paperwork.  They gave her my middle name, and sent it to the social security office.  So now we are dealing with trying to get this mistake quickly resolved. (ha!)  Because we still plan to return to Papua the end of January.  So be praying for this mistake to be fixed quickly, and all the paperwork to go through without delay!

We have done 6 speaking engagements, and some of them have been with new churches and people!  We have raised a portion of what we are hoping to, and for that we are thankful! We are still needing to raise some more monthly support while here in order to get our support up to where it should be.  So if you feel called to hop on board with us, and be a part of what God has us doing while we are in Indonesia, then let us know!

Our little holiday baby! =) 

In a few days we head to Montana to celebrate Christmas with our friends and family there!  We hope that you are having a wonderful Christmas season.  The most wonderful time of year! We are thankful for you friend!

Merry Christmas from Amanda, Matt, Grace and Audrey!

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